Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Everyone a Stranger or is Everyone a Potential Friend?

Yeah I was going to write about Strangers VS. Potential Friends, but today must be D DAY. I'll get back to my thoughts from yesterday, later.


Eloise from that damn Lifestyle lift commercial is really starting to bug meee! How can it make a 70yo woman look 45?

Back to D Day; 5 weeks ago when I became unable to ambulate (sounds fancy schmancy huh? better than I broke my little foot!), well I had hoped dieting would be easy. With the suggestion from my Mother to "stay out of the kitchen", I decided hanging out in my bedroom would be helpful....and it is, but eventually down I go. Actually, Ive created a way to get around my kitchen so I can cook dinner, it works and keeps me occupied too.

Word(s) of the Day: Nutrisystem! Plus protein, fiber and Im still thinking about that knitting! LOL

I should have retitled this, "An Apple a Day".

Back to "Friends and Strangers" later on, Stay Tuned....