Thursday, April 16, 2009


I want to celebrate that Passover is, "over". Its one of my favorite Jewish holidays but the foods are only foods you can eat one week out of the year! Time to move on, back to fruits and veggies, oh and nutrisystem, tomorrow. Then to ponder...excersize for the temporarily walking imapired?? I guess it has to be old floor routines, horizontal excersizes that dont require a right foot. Time to get serious. Remember, stay clear of hanging out in the kitchen!

I must be keeping busy, I havent looked for my knitting. Ive cleaned out some drawers, as suggested by my Guru friend Rudy, now Im thinking about the bottom of my closet, I can sit on the floor and organized it, I think. I know I have a lot of things to organize in the office downstairs...

As I type I hear the morning media announce that home sales are finally picking up a little. They add, "stay tuned for what is happening where", or something like that. I can easily whine and complain, "why me?", but I dont. Its more productive to think towards the future, the near future! And, organizing the office.

Flowers are blooming, have to my dear hubby plant the tulips that are dying on the dining room table. I dont have a green thumb, Im good with a dozen roses every week.

I read a great book recently, short unpublished novel that has left me thinking....