Sunday, May 3, 2009

Who Created the Worst Financial Crisis?


Commodity Online

The world is going through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1930s? Who created this global financial meltdown? Here is the flawed list in order of responsibility that Time magazine thinks are people who are behing the global economic crisis.

Time Magazine’s list of 25 people to blame for financial crisis…

1. Angelo Mozilo – Co-founder and former head of Countrywide

2. Phil Gramm – Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995 through 2000

3. Alan Greenspan – Former chairman, Federal Reserve

4. Chris Cox – Former chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission

5. American Consumers

6. Hank Paulson – Former Secretary of the Treasury

7. Joe Cassano – Founding member, AIG’s financial-products unit

8. Ian McCarthy – CEO, Beazer Homes

9. Frank Raines - Former chairman and CEO, Fannie Mae

10. Kathleen Corbet – Former CEO, Standard & Poor’s

11. Dick Fuld – Former CEO, Lehman Brothers

12. Marion and Herb Sandler – Former heads, World Savings Bank

13. Bill Clinton – Former U.S. President

14. George W. Bush – Former U.S. President

15. Stan O’Neal – Former CEO, Merrill Lynch

16. Wen Jiabao – Premier, China

17. David Lereah – Former chief economist, National Association of Realtors

18. John Devaney – Hedge fund manager

19. Bernie Madoff – Ponzi scheme orchestrator

20. Lew Ranieri – Father of mortgage-backed securities

21. Burton Jablin – Programmer at Scripps Networks, which owns HGTV

22. Fred Goodwin – Former chairman and CEO, Royal Bank of Scotland

23. Sandy Weill – Former chairman and CEO, Citigroup

24. David Oddsson – Former Prime Minister, Iceland

25. Jimmy Cayne – Former chairman and CEO, Bear Stearns