Tocsin of Liberty: rung by the state house bell, (Independence Hall;) Philadelphia, July 4th. 1776 Photo Credit: National Archives
It was not declared a legal holiday, until 1941. However, folks have been observing Independence day since July 8th, 1776.
July 4th Independence day
On this date in history . . . . .
1781 - The first official state celebration as recognized under resolve of a legislature occured in Massachusetts; at Newport, R.I., the militia hosts French officers at a celebration dinner
1801 - The first public Fourth of July reception at the White House occured
1804 - The first Fourth of July celebration west of the Mississippi occured at Independence Creek and was celebrated by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
1805 - Boston has its first fireworks display; in Charleston, S.C., the American Revolution Society and the Society of the Cincinnati meet at St. Philips Church
1866 - General George G. Meade watches 10,000 war veterans parade in Philadelphia; the Nashville Banner, in an editorial, urges its citizens not to celebrate the Fourth
1876 - Centennial celebrations (many are three-day celebrations, 3-5 July) occur throughout the United States and abroad
1884 - The formal presentation of the Statue of Liberty takes place in the Gauthier workshop in Paris
1887 - First Fourth of July celebration in Yellowstone National Park takes place
1912 - The new national flag with 48 stars is "formally and officially endowed"
1926 - The 150th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence takes place throughout the nation
1960 - The 50th-star American flag waves for the first time as Hawaii is given statehood
1976 - The nation's Bicentennial occurs.