I read a wonderful article somewhere and frugality is so yesterday! Yipeeee was my first reaction! Having been stuck in the house for the past 6 weeks really makes a girl want and need to shop. Mission...shopping and pedicure ASAP.
I think there is a balance and for everyone I talk to, it's different. Some folks income of $250K allows them to just get by in their lifestyle and they talk of how they need to conserve and how hard its been. Others are pretty much going about their lifestyle cutting out things like dining out 3 or 4 times a week, knowing that this is a time to be modest.
I hear....
"Frugal Fatigue"
is the new buzzword! Sure makes me smile in hopes of more and more folks looking to find their Dream Home. I read somewhere that there are folks that beleive everyone should continue being obsessively frugal, not shop, not go out, buy less of everything. But, will that help our economy? I dont tihnk so.